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『日本医学看護学教育学会誌』第28号No.1 (2019年4月 1日発行)

Factors related to subjective well-being in home care patients with aftereffects of stroke

Miki Yanagi,Kazuko Yamada,Ikuharu Morioka
Graduate School of Health and Nursing Science / Wakayama Medical University






[Objective] The goal of treatment at home for stroke patients is to maintain and enhance their quality of life (QOL) in addition to activities of daily living. However, few studies have focused on subjective well-being, one of the QOL indicators. The aims of this study were to clarify the factors related to the subjective well-being in home care patients with aftereffects of stroke.

[Method] An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted by postal mails with 211 stroke patients at age 40 and older who had received the treatment at home. There were 118 responses (valid response rate 55.9%). The revised PGC Morale scale was used to measure subjective well-being.

[Result] Among the subjects 91 (77.1%) with paralysis or a care need level of 1 or higher were categorized as the "aftereffect group," and 27 (22.9%) with no paralysis and a support need level of 2 or less were categorized as the "no aftereffect group." Averages of Morale score were 9.2±4.6 (standard deviation) points in the "aftereffect group" and 10.7±4.2 points in the "no aftereffect group," showing no significant difference. Factors for improving Morale score in the" aftereffect group" were "increasing subjective health," "finding more interests in life," "interacting with people other than family members at least once a week," and "improving state of sleep," in addition to "alleviating a depressive tendency" and "enhancing self-efficacy," which were common factors.

[Conclusion] In case of home care patients with a tereffects of stroke, it is necessary to provide them with assistance to enable them to feel "I am healthy." and "My sleep is good.", to find the amusement in life, and to have interactions with people other than family embers, such as friends, acquaintance neighbors, as well asmental supports to alleviate depression and to enhance self-efficacy.


stroke, home care patient, subjective well-being, PGC morale scale, multiple linear regression analysis

前期高齢者における男女別の低栄養の実態とその関連要因Malnutrition and its related factors in the young old age: Analysis in terms of gender

Emiko Kawaguchi, Kazuko Yamada, Ikuharu Morioka
Graduate School of Health and Nursing Science, Wakayama Medical University



方法:和歌山県古座川町における要介護1以上を除く前期高齢者全員566名を対象に、郵送による無記名の自記式質問紙調査法とした。栄養評価は、Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Formを用いて、低栄養群と栄養良好群の2群に分類した。この2群で調査項目(属性と健康状況、食品摂取状況、食行動・食態度、活動、交流)の出現割合を比較検討した。関連要因の検索は、出現割合に有意な差を認めた項目を独立変数とし、多重ロジスティック回帰分析を実施した。解析は男女別に行った。



Objectives: The purposes of this study were to examine malnutrition and its related factors among the young old age according to gender and to make findings for considering measures against it.

Methods: Anonymous self-administrated questionnaires were sent by mail to all the young old people living in Kozagawa town, Wakayama prefecture, Japan, except those who needed level 1 long-term care or above. Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form was employed as an index to evaluate nutrition. Its total scores divided the participants into two groups which were eutrophy and malnutrition of which total scores were low and showed a risk. The prevalence rates of investigation items including attributes, physical condition, nutrient assessment, feeding condition, diet behavior, attitudes toward eating, activities, and interactions, were compared between the two groups by gender. Then using the items which showed significant differences in prevalence rates as independent variables, multiple logistic regression analyses were carried out.

Results: The participants in this study were 133 males (response rate 49.3%) and 160 females (54.1%). Mean age was 69.6 (standard deviation 2.9) years in males and 69.8 (2.8) years in females. Forty-eight (36.1%) males and sixtyfour (40.0%) females belonged to the malnutrition group. Four factors were recognized as the related factors in males: "eating no meat," "feeling no fun in meals," "being not careful about meals," and "my health is poor." Two factors were recognized in females: "being not satisfied with eating habits," and "visiting neighbors less than twice a month."

Conclusion: In case of males, it is recommended to provide them with psychological supports such as interesting them in meals and enhancing their own subjective health, as well as nutrient supports such as ensuring adequate protein. In case of females, it is suggested to provide them with social supports such as solving difficulties of cooking and going out.


malnutrition, young old age, gender, Multiple logistic regression analysis, frailty

Nurses' Recognition of Facilitating or Disturbing the Family Nursing when Transferring Terminal care Inpatients to a Home Care Setting in General Wards

Chikage Kubota
Seinan Jo Gakuin University




General Wards, Terminal care Inpatients, Transferring to a Home Care Setting, Family Nursing, Recognition of Facilitating or Disturbing

Quantity of Motion, Lifestyle, and Scale Scores of QOL of Children in Elementary Schools with Schoolyards Covered with Lawn and Uncovered Ones

西谷崇 1、内海みよ子 2、井戸真理奈 2、宮井信行 2
Takashi Nishitani 1,Miyoko Utsumi 2,Marina Ido 2,Nobuyuki Miyai 2
1 和歌山大学、2 和歌山県立医科大学
1 Wakayama University, 2 Wakayama Medical University




Schoolyards in W prefecture have increased schoolyards covered with lawn for the purpose of the school environment and promoting physical and mental health of schoolchildren. The study aimed at investigating quantity of motion, lifestyle, and scale scores of QOL of children in elementary schools with schoolyards covered with lawn and uncovered ones.

Participants in the study were fifth and sixth graders at elementary schools: Group A belonged to schools with schoolyards covered with lawn and Group B belonged to schools with schoolyards not covered with lawn. They completed a questionnaire containing items about basic factors, quantity of motion, lifestyle, and scale scores of QOL.

As a result, quantity of motion such as number of steps and usage rate of schoolyards of Group A was significantly higher than that of Group B. Likewise, Group A was significantly better than Group B not only in lifestyle including exercise hours on holidays and the number of meals but also in scale scores of QOL in items such as friends and physical well-being. Furthermore, the study suggested that the increase of the number of steps during the time at school gave good effects to quantity of motion, lifestyle, and scale scores of QOL.

There findings imply that the difference of quantity of motion of children in elementary schools with schoolyards covered with lawn and uncovered ones has affected the characteristic of each school.


schoolyards covered with lawn, children in elementary schools, quantity of motion, lifestyle, scale scores of QOL

Experience of Practical Training that Nursing Students Recognized Useful for National Examination for Nurses and Learning

藤田倶子 1、瀨川睦子 2、桧山美恵子 3
Tomoko Fujita 1, Mutsuko Segawa 2, Mieko Hiyama 3
1 千里金蘭大学看護学部、2 元宝塚大学看護学部、3 武庫川女子大学看護学部
1 Senri Kinran University, School of Nursing, 2 formerly Takarazuka University, School of Nursing, 3 Mukogawa Women's University, School of Nursing







nursing students, National Examination for Nurses, Practical training, experience

Gender difference of university grade for the knowledge of smoking in nursing students

光貞美香 1、澤田孝子 1、柿並洋子 1、江口恵里 1、大塚和美 2、名尾朋子 1、大草知子 1
Mika Mitsusada 1, Takako Sawata 1, Yoko Kakinami 1, Eri Eguchi 1, Kazuyoshi Otsuka 2, Tomoko Nao 1, Tomoko Ohkusa 1
1 宇部フロンティア大学人間健康学部看護学科、2 宇部フロンティア大学人間社会学部福祉心理学科
1 Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ube Frontier University, 2 Department of Welfare Psychology, Faculty of Human Sociology, Ube Frontier University


本研究では、看護大学生の喫煙の実態調査に基づき、喫煙に対する意識および知識に関する性差を明らかにし、喫煙防止教育における今後の方策を検討した。A大学看護学科の学生373名に対して無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施し、本人および周囲の喫煙状況、喫煙に対する意識、健康被害や禁煙に関する知識を調査した。男性70名、女性283名より有効回答が得られた。全体の喫煙率は6.5%で、男性の喫煙率が有意に高かった(男性21.4% vs. 女性2.8%、p<0.001)。男性は、「たばこを吸うことで良いことがあると思う」などの喫煙に対する肯定的な意見が有意に多かったが、喫煙の健康被害や禁煙に関する知識については、男女間で有意差はなかった。看護大学生においては、喫煙に対する意識に明らかな性差が認められた。喫煙防止教育を実施するにあたり、性差をふまえた配慮が必要であり、特に男性では、喫煙に対する認知教育に重点を置く必要があると思われる。

We investigated gender difference of the knowledge of smoking in nursing college students and analyzed the task in anti-smoking educations. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 373 students in A University, asking for smoking situation, knowledge on health damages and quit smoking. Effective responses were obtained from 70 males and 283 females. The overall smoking rate was 6.5% (male vs. female; 21.4% vs. 2.8%, p<0.001). Male students had significant positive opinions on smoking, such as "there is some beneficial effects on smoking". There was no significant difference between male and female regarding the knowledge of health damage and quit smoking. These results indicated there was a significant gender difference of smoking in nursing college students. We should pay attention for gender difference concerning about anti-smoking education. Especially, we might provide more precise smoking knowledge for male students.


喫煙防止教育、看護大学生、喫煙行動、性差、リスク認知anti-smoking education, nursing college student, smoking behavior, gender difference, risk perception

Relationship between stress responses of nursing students and their active/rest patterns and attainment level in geriatric nursing practice

Masae Tsutsumi, Atsuko Kawamura, Asako Kiyonaga
Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine



対象者は2018年度にA大学4年次に在籍し老年看護学実習を受講した看護学生77人であった。調査方法として、石原らが開発したストレス反応質問紙および研究者が作成した実習中の睡眠時間、睡眠充足感、昼休みの過ごし方、実習時間外の活動、Visual Analogue Scaleを使った実習目標達成度を内容とする無記名自記式質問紙を用いた。

調査の結果、ストレス反応では慢性疲労が最も強いこと、看護計画立案カンファレンスまでの睡眠時間がそれ以後よりも短いこと(p<0.01)、対象者自身ストレスがたまると思う活動を実習時間外にした人はしなかった人よりもストレス反応総得点が高いこと(p<0.01)、実習目標達成度が高いほどストレス反応総得点が低い傾向があること(r=-0.235, p=0.064)などが明らかとなった。本研究の結果から、老年看護学実習における学生のストレスを軽減するには、ストレスがたまると思う実習時間外の活動を控える助言や、実習目標への達成度を上げる支援が重要と考えられた。

Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the relationship between stress in nursing students, their active/rest patterns, and attainment level in geriatric nursing practice. Nursing students sometimes feel stressed in geriatric nursing practice because they need to deal with a great amount of information regarding multiple diseases and complications of frail older patients and it is difficult to implement the nursing process into practice when patients require medical care as well as support for their daily life. Educators, therefore, need to support students to attain their geriatric nursing practice while considering the stress involved.

Methods: Participants were 77 fourth-grade nursing students in geriatric nursing practice at a university in 2018. We conducted two questionnaires, one was the stress response questionnaire explored by Ishihara and the other was an anonymous self-administered questionnaire developed by the author which consists of total sleep time, satisfaction with sleep, how they spend their lunchtime, activities in their free time, and the self-evaluated attainment level that the participants themselves evaluated in the geriatric nursing practice using Visual Analogue Scale.

Results: The results revealed that chronic tiredness was the strongest stress response. Total sleep time before the meeting to present nursing plans was shorter than that after the meeting (p<.01). In addition, stress responses of those who performed stressful activities in their free time were stronger than the others who did not (p<.01), and the higher attainment level in geriatric nursing practice related to lower stress responses (r=-0.235, p=.064).

Conclusion: Students' stress was related to stressful activities and low attainment level. This study suggests that providing advice to nursing students to avoid stressful activities in their free time and giving support to raise their attainment level in the geriatric nursing practice would be important for effective practice education.


老年看護学実習、看護学生、ストレス反応質問紙、活動と休息、実習目標達成度geriatric nursing practice、nursing students, stress response questionnaire (Health Inventory), active/rest patterns, attainment level in nursing practice

The awareness of nursing-students in A nursing college regarding the Organ transplantation and nursing

藤田和加子 1、和田由里 2、石井あゆみ 3
Wakako Fujita 1,Yuri Wada 2,Ayumi Ishii 3
1 大阪信愛学院短期大学、2 園田学園女子大学、3 千里金蘭大学
1 Osaka shinai College, 2 Sonoda Women's University, 3 Senrikinran University




臓器移植医療、生体臓器移植、脳死臓器移植、看護学生Organ Transplantation, Living organ transplantation, Brain death organ transplantation, Nursing-students

































