[Objectives] This study was aimed to clarify the characteristics in physical, mental, social health, and life function by training time among male elderly participants of group exercise conducted by the participants themselves.
[Methods] Subjects were all participants, aged 65 and over, of group exercise (n=865). The questionnaire sheet was delivered to them on the day when they were participating in it. Three training times were set: 2 years or less (males=19, females=142), 3 years (males=28, females=49) and 4 years and more (males=37, females=169).
[Results] There was no difference in age between males and women. In the physical health of males, there were no significant differences in the ratios of those who had regular visits of medical institutes and those who had the pain among three groups. In the mental health of males, there was no tendency to change in a certain direction with increasing the training time, although there was significant difference in the subjective life satisfaction and the subjective life motivation among the 3 groups. In the social health of males, the number of social activities showed no significant difference among the 3 groups, but the degree of social activity satisfaction was significantly higher in the "4 years and more" group than in the "2 years or less" group. In life function of males, the score of the Activity ability index was significantly higher in the "3 years" group and the "4 years and more" group than in the "2 years or less" group.
[Conclusion] These results suggest that in the elderly males participating in the groups exercise an effect on social activities may appear after 4 years and that on life function after 3 years, and that the onset of such effects may be slower than that of females.
Elderly, Men, Group exercise, Social health, Care prevention
看護師としてのキャリアを将来的に継続していくためには、看護師養成教育の中で看護師としてのアイデンティティの形成が不可欠である。職業的アイデンティティの発達支援には、看護師養成教育において内発的・自律的な動機づけの概念に着目することが重要であり、特に入学初期段階からの学生の学習動機づけの変化をとらえる必要がある。本研究では、看護課程に入学した学生の学期初期の学習動機づけと学期後期の学習動機づけの変化を検討するとともに、学習動機づけと職業的アイデンティティや教育環境への適応感との関連を検討することを主な目的とした。3年課程の看護学科の1年生62名を対象に、入学後間もない学期初期と3 か月後の学期後期にアンケートシステムを用いて調査を実施した。その結果、内発的動機づけや自律的な外発的動機づけは、職業的アイデンティティや学校適応感と正の相関を示し、その傾向は学期後期でより顕著であった。クラスタ分析の結果は、自律的動機づけ群が高い内発的動機づけや自律的外発的動機づけを示し、職業的アイデンティティや学校適応感も高い傾向を示した。内発的動機づけが職業的アイデンティティや学校適応感と関連し、その関係性は継続的に発達することから、今後は職業的アイデンティティの発達や学校適応感に学習動機づけが及ぼす影響を、入学前から卒業までのより長期的にとらえ、看護師養成教育におけるプログラムを検討する必要がある。
It is essential for nursing students to develop professional identity during their course to continue their career as a nurse in the future. Focusing on the variation of students' motivation from the beginning of their learning in a nursing course and encouraging students' intrinsic/autonomous motivation is important to support their development of professional identity. The present study aims to evaluate the change of 1st-year nursing students' learning motivation and investigate the relationship between learning motivation, professional identity and school adaptation. 62 1st-year students responded to the questionnaire at the beginning and the end of the first semester. The result showed that intrinsic and autonomous-extrinsic motivation were positively correlated to professional identity and school adaptation. This tendency was stronger at the end of the semester. As a result of cluster analysis, the autonomously motivated group showed the highest scores on intrinsic and autonomousextrinsic motivation as well as professional identity and school adaptation. Since the relationship of intrinsic motivation with professional identity and school adaptation continuously develop through the nursing course, it is important to conduct a longitudinal study and develop an effective program for a nursing course.
learning motivation, professional identity, school adjustment
目的:本研究は、臨床学習環境デザイナー育成プログラムを実施し、その評価を明らかにすることを目的とした。 方法:病床数500床以上の12病院の教育指導者24名を半数ずつ介入群と対照群に割り付け、3ヶ月の期間を置いて2回の講義を両群に行い、介入群にワークショップを実施した。指導行動、看護師コンピテンシー尺度、臨床学習環境測定尺度、一般性セルフ・エフィカシー尺度、日本語版Sense of Coherence-29スケールを使用し、実施前、1回目終了後、2回目終了後、終了2ヶ月後に群間比較と経時比較を行った。 結果:指導行動と臨床学習環境は、群間比較と経時比較で有意差は認めなかった。看護師コンピテンシーは、群間の有意差はなかったが、経時比較では「組織への参画」「目標達成志向」「リーダーシップ」「専門的実践」「協働関係づくり」「フレキシビリティ」で有意差がみられた。自己効力感は、群間の有意差はなく、2回目終了後と実施前の得点差では有意に介入群が高かった。首尾一貫感覚は、群間の有意差はなく、実施前と終了2ヶ月後の経時比較では対照群で有意に低下していた。 結論:本プログラムは、直ちに教育指導者の指導行動の変化や臨床学習環境に反映されなかったが、看護師コンピテンシーを発展させる効果があることが示唆された。ワークショップにより自己効力感が高まることや、講義だけでは首尾一貫感覚が維持できない可能性が示された。
Purpose: The present study implemented and evaluated the Clinical Learning Environment Designer Education Program.
Methods: Twenty-four clinical mentors from 12 hospitals with 500 or more beds were divided equally into an experimental and control group. Both groups received two lectures three months apart (T1 and T2) while only the experimental group underwent two workshops at each time point. The participants completed items on mentoring behavior, the Nurse Competency Questionnaire, the Clinical Learning Environment Diagnostic Inventory, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Japanese version of the Sense of Coherence Scale. Before the study began, at T1, at T2, and two months after the study, a between-group comparison and a comparison of the time-series data for each group were conducted.
Results: The between-group comparison and the time-series comparison for each group showed no significant differences in mentoring behavior and clinical learning environment. While nurse competency did not significantly differ between groups, the time-series comparison revealed significant differences in "organization commitment," "goal achievement orientation," "leadership," "professional practice," "cooperative relationship building," and "flexibility." Self-efficacy did not differ between groups, but the difference between the scores before the study and at T2 was significantly higher for the experimental group. Though sense of coherence did not differ between groups, the time-series comparison revealed that as compared to the score before the study, there was a significant drop in the control group's scores at two months after the study.
Conclusion: While this program apparently did not change mentoring behavior or the clinical learning environment, it may have fostered nurses'competency. Results showed that workshops may improve self-efficacy; lectures alone may not be sufficient in preserving clinical mentors' sense of coherence.
clinical learning environment, designer, clinical mentor, education program, evaluation
本研究の目的は、回復期脳血管障害患者と配偶者の家族機能の特性を捉えるために、FAD(Family Assessment Device)を用いて家族機能の実態を明らかにすることである。
脳血管障害を発症し回復期リハビリテーションを受療中の患者と配偶者を対象として、FADを用いて両者の家族機能を測定した。FADの7つの下位尺度毎の得点をKruskal-Wallis検定で、また対象者の家族構成・性別・年齢・FIM(Functional Independence Measure)・発症からの日数による群間比較をMann-WhitneyのU検定で分析した。
対象家族は26組で、患者は男性が13名、女性が13名、平均年齢は66.54歳、配偶者の年齢は平均65.38歳であった。夫婦のFADを下位尺度毎の平均値で比較すると、「情緒的反応性」が2.35(SD .39)で他の下位尺度に比し有意に高かった(<.001)。家族特性別では、患者と配偶者の年齢が若年であるほど、夫婦のみよりも同居家族がいる方が、FIM得点が高い方が、発症からの日数が長い方が、FAD得点が有意に高かった(<.01もしくは<.05)。
The purpose of the study is to characterize family function of convalescent cerebrovascular disorder patients and their spouses. Family Assessment Device (FAD) was used to measure family function. Participants were convalescent cerebrovascular disorder patients and their spouses. Family Assessment Device was based on family system theory. FAD was used to measure family function of patients and their spouses. Of the 26 patients, 13 were male and 13 were female. The average age of patients was 66.54 years. The spouses' average age was 65.38 years. There were 8 married couples and 18 married couples living with other members.
The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that the emotional reactivity scale (M=2.35, SD=.39) that is one of the subscale of 7 FAD scales was scored significantly higher than other scales (p< .001). The Mann-Whitney test revealed that FAD score of younger couples was higher than older couples, and FAD score of married couples living with other members was higher than married couples, and FAD score of high FIM (Functional Independence Measure) participants was higher than low FIM participants, and FAD score of long period from the onset of the disease was higher than short period of the onset of the disease (p<.01 or p<.05).
It is important to promote communication between man and husband and to stabilize the emotional life to improve lowered emotional life. It was suggested that it is necessary to strengthen family nursing and support based on the results of lowered family function.
cerebrovascular disorder, family care giver, family function, FAD, family nursing
【目的】超音波検査を初めて行う助産師が超音波実践演習において描出した画像項目と技能の内容を明らかにすることである。【対象者と方法】研究参加に同意の得られたシミュレーション研修(超音波検査)受講者25名が提出した実践後レポートのうち、学習結果として記載した「超音波所見(確認できたこと)」の内容を分析の対象とした。受講者25名が実践演習として行った超音波検査の症例のべ92症例(妊娠初期n=5、妊娠中期n=25、妊娠後期n=62)の内容を分析対象とした。分析にはテキストマイニングソフトKH Coder3を使用した。【結果と考察】総抽出語数は3,450語で、出現回数が30以上の単語は「確認」、「biparietal diameter(BPD)」、「femur length(FL)」、「推定体重」等であった。頻出語同士の結びつきの関係性を知るために共起ネットワーク図を作成した結果、結びつきの関係では「体重推定」 「biparietal diameter(BPD)」「abdominal circumference(AC)」「femur length(FL)」「羊水」 「ポケット」や「胎位」 「胎向」などが強く共起していた。また、結びつきがつくる10Communitiyが示された。初めて超音波検査を行う助産師は、妊娠中期以降の妊婦の超音波検査において、検査に時間を要し、画像描出が難しいと感じていた。【結語】超音波検査を行う際は「確認」しながら、積極的な推定体重の算出、羊水や胎盤描出の実施を行っていた。
midwife, ultrasonic inspection, training, text mining
医療語、オーストラリア英語、ブランド名、スラング、ことばと文化Medspeak, Australian English, brand name, slang, language and culture
This study aims to clarify the actual situation and professional identity of public health nurses (PHNs) employed in medical institutions in the urban areas of Japan. The subjects were nurses employed as PHNs in 2,221 medical institutions in the Kinki and Kanto regions. Our self-administered questionnaire survey included questions on basic attributes and professional details, a scale measuring practical competencies of PHNs, and the professional identity scale for PHNs (PISP).
Returned were 60 valid responses. The number of subjects who responded with the department at a medical examination center was 35(58.3%), and the workplace configuration with multiple was 30 (50.0%). Health consultation was found to be the task most frequently undertaken. On the practical competence scale, the group of PHNs with more than five years of experience scored significantly higher than the group with less than five years of experience. On the PISP scale, the "confidence in working as a PHN" subscale score was significantly higher in the group with more than five years of experience.
The results suggest that PHNs employed in medical institutions acquire increased confidence and improved practical competencies through working experience.
保健師、医療機関、職務遂行能力、職業的アイデンティティ、都市部public health nurse, medical institution, practical competence, professional identity, urban area
服薬アドヒアランス、高齢者、測定指標、文献検討medication adherence, elderly, measurement indices, literature review