【目的】看護系大学の学生における看護プロフェッショナリズムの認知を明らかにする。【方法】看護基礎教育課程の全ての臨地実習を終了した看護系大学4年次生16名に半構成的面接法を実施し、質的記述的に分析した。【結果】インタビューの内容から302のコードが抽出され、これらを分類した結果、 57サブカテゴリー、15カテゴリー、【信頼形成の基盤となる態度】【相互作用の促進をめざすアプローチ】【医療チームの一員としての責務】という3つのコアカテゴリーが生成された。【結論】学生は臨地実習において様々な経験を通して信頼形成の基盤となる態度を捉えるとともに、対象と相互に理解し合いながら相互作用の促進に必要な態度や行動を捉えていた。さらに、専門的知識の習得の必要性や看護師としての責任の重さの自覚、そして他職種との関わりによって医療チームの一員として果たす責務を捉えていた。
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine recognition of nursing professionalism among undergraduate nursing students.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 undergraduate nursing students who had completed all clinical practicums of their nursing curriculum, and the contents were qualitatively and descriptively analyzed.
Results: Based on the contents of interview, 302 codes were extracted. The codes were classified into 57 subcategories and 15 categories, and three core categories were generated: "attitudes that become the basis for developing trust," "approaches to promote interactions," and "responsibilities as a member of the medical team."
Conclusion: Through their various experiences during the clinical practicum, students recognized the attitudes that become the basis for developing trust. In addition, they identified the attitudes and behaviors necessary for promoting interactions through mutual understanding. They also recognized the necessity to acquiring professional knowledge, awareness of considerable obligations as nurses, and responsibilities to carry out as a member of the medical team through interactions with other professionals.
nursing professionalism, undergraduate nursing student, recognition
本研究は、Nurse Competence Scaleの日本語版を作成し、その信頼性と妥当性を検討することを目的とした。尺度の翻訳はバックトランスレーションを行い、開発者により翻訳妥当性が確認された。10年以上の看護職の経験がある7名の評者を対象に内容妥当性指数を算出した結果、平均0.94であった。内容妥当性の評価をもとに検討し、日本語版Nurse Competence Scaleを作成した。病床数700床以上の2病院に勤務する経験年数3年以上の看護師を対象とし日本語版Nurse Competence Scaleと日本語版Six-Dimension Scaleを用いた質問紙調査を実施し、205名(有効回答率45.6%)から有効回答を得た。日本語版Nurse Competence Scaleの下位尺度のCronbach's α係数は、「援助役割」0.81、「教育/コーチング」0.92、「診断機能」0.88、「状況管理」0.89、「治療的介入」0.91、「質の保証」0.90、「仕事役割」0.93であり、内的整合性が確認された。確認的因子分析を行った結果、適合度指標は受容可能な水準を満たした。日本語版Nurse Competence Scaleと日本語版Six-Dimension Scaleの総得点間の相関係数は0.77(p<0.01)であり、下位尺度間では0.37~0.68(すべてp<0.01)の相関がみられ、併存的妥当性が確認された。以上より、日本語版Nurse Competence Scaleは一定の信頼性と妥当性が得られ、日本の看護師のコンピテンスを測定する尺度として使用可能と考える。
This study aimed to develop and test the reliability and validity of a Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale. Validity of the translation was confirmed by getting a back translation reviewed by the author of the original scale. Ratings of item relevance by 7 raters with more than 10 years of nursing experience resulted in a mean content validity index of 0.94. The Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale was then developed based on the evaluation of content validity. Nurses with more than 3 years of experience working at 2 hospitals with more than 700 beds completed a self-administered survey using the Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale and the Japanese version of the Six-Dimension Scale of Nursing Performance. Two hundred and five (45.6%) responses were valid. Internal consistency was confirmed with the following Cronbach's alphas for the subscales of the Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale: helping role 0.81, teaching-coaching 0.92, diagnostic functions 0.88, managing situations 0.89, therapeutic interventions 0.91, ensuring quality 0.90, and work role 0.93. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fit indices were acceptable. Concurrent validity of the Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale with the Japanese version of the Six-Dimension Scale was confirmed as the correlation coefficient was 0.77 (p<0.01) for the total scores and ranged between 0.37-0.68 (p<0.01 for all coefficients) for the subscales. These findings suggested that the Japanese version of the Nurse Competence Scale is a valid and reliable scale for measuring Japanese nurse competence.
nurse, competence, scale, reliability, validity
本調査の目的はヘルスツーリズムのプログラム内容の1つであるヨガが、実施者の自律神経機能に及ぼす影響について明らかにすることである。対象はヨガを初めて体験する女性1名である。自律神経機能検査は、血圧・心拍変動解析ソフトmeijin 「きりつ名人」(株式会社クロスウェル:きりつ名人無線対応版Bluetooth方式による解析ソフト)を使用した。ヨガ実施中の自律神経機能を連続的に測定した。その結果、ヨガのポーズを実施すると、副交感神経機能を示すCCV(HF)が徐々に上昇していた。一方、心拍を示す瞬時HRと交感神経の活性度を示すCCV(L/H)は低下していた。また、首を伸ばすポーズを実施すると副交感神経機能を示すCCV(HF)が上昇し、元のポーズに戻るに従い下降していた。
自律神経機能 ヨガ
Autonomic Nervous System, Yoga
This study aims to elucidate the types of experiences that novice nursing teachers affiliated in a nursing university gain to build their competence as teachers.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 novice nursing teachers with 1-3 years of real experience in nursing education. This is a qualitative descriptive study that used the Structure-Construction Qualitative Research Method for meta-analysis and the Modified Grounded Theory Approach for data analysis.
Novice teachers in a nursing university experienced "vacillation about role shift" at the initial arrival at their post while they faced "internal conflicts as an educator" to develop their competence. Furthermore, they ref lected back on their guidance and interactions and came to terms earnestly with their self-inquiries, thereby overcoming challenges in their practicum by "cogitating on experiences and having honest conversations with themselves." Moreover, they were supported through "collaborative learning" with their superiors and peers, and these practices were revealed to be linked to positive attitudes for "recognizing fulf ilment as nursing teachers."
Novice teachers in a nursing university dealt with practicum-related difficulties while experiencing vacillations on role shift at initial arrival at their posts. These experiences provided opportunities for self-ref lection, while collaboration was conducive to building competence. Our results revealed that these practical experiences were supported through fulf ilment and sense of purpose as educators of nursing.
Nursing educators narratives, Formation process of development, Novice nursing teacher
本研究の目的は、企業に勤める社会人及びその成人家族を対象に行ったヘルスツーリズムでの介入「コーチング」「自然散策」「温泉入浴」のストレス対策への効果を検討するために、介入前後の心の健康度・疲労度、楽観的・悲観的自己感情、睡眠状況の関連、介入後の行動変容の状況を明らかにすることである。 介入の結果、心の健康度・疲労度、楽観的自己感情、睡眠状況への効果は認められなかったが、悲観的自己感情の一部において、介入当日軽減し、ものの見方や捉え方、考え方に変化をもたらし、気分転換やリラックスを意図的に行う行動につながっていた。このことから単発のヘルスツーリズムであってもコーチングと気分転換やリフレッシュとなる体験をセットで行うことにより、相乗効果が得らえ、ストレス対策として意義があると考えられた。一方で、日々の生活においては、時間に追われ、ものごとが自分の思い通りに運ばず悲観的になる傾向にあることも明らかとなった。今後、より効果的なプログラム内容と適切な評価方法を検討していく必要性が示唆された。
Health tourism, Mental health measures, Coaching, Nature walk, Hot spring bathing
本研究は看護学生を対象とし、アクチグラフを用いて睡眠の質に影響を及ぼす生活習慣に関する要因を明らかにすることを目的とした。4年制大学の看護学生4年生20名を対象とし、基本属性、生活習慣、睡眠状況をPittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexのJapanese version(PSQI-J)を用いて自記式質問紙調査を行い、アクチグラフによる睡眠/覚醒の測定を3日間実施した。本研究は所属大学の保健学倫理委員会の承諾を得て行った。質問紙は20名、アクチグラフは17名を分析対象とした。就寝時刻が遅い者(z=-2.267, p=0.023)や起床時刻が遅い者(z=-2.255, p=0.024)では睡眠障害を有する割合が有意に高かった。また、就寝時に明かりをつける者はつけない者よりPSQI総合得点が有意に高かった。(z=-2.117, p=0.034)。アクチグラフの結果では、就寝前にアルコールやカフェインを飲む者は中途覚
This study aimed to clarify the lifestyle factors af fecting sleep quality using an actigraphy among nursing students. The participants were 20 nursing students in a university, and we investigated their basic characteristics, lifestyle, and sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) with wrist actigraphy for 3 days. This study was approved by the ethics board of graduate school of health sciences in Kobe University. Of the 20 students investigated with the questionnaire, 17 were analyzed for their sleep quality and lifestyle by actigraphy. Sleep disability showed signif icant dif ferences in students who went to bed late at night (z=-2.267, p=0.023) and got up late in the morning (z=-2.255, p=0.024). Going to sleep with the light on was signif icantly associated with a high score on the PSQI (z=-2.117, p=0.034). Results of the actigraphy showed that students who drank alcohol or caf feine before bedtime had increased nocturnal awaking and activity while they were sleeping. In addition, students who got up late in the morning had no breakfast. Moreover, going to sleep on the floor was associated with nocturnal awaking and taking a nap in the daytime.
In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that decreasing alcohol and caf feine consumption before bed time and turning off the light at bed time might improve sleep quality in students. Students who went to bed late at night were likely to delay the time of getting up in the morning. This study showed that nursing students should get up early in the morning with a well-regulated lifestyle every day.
看護学生、睡眠の質、生活習慣、アクチグラフnursing students, sleep quality, lifestyle, actigraphy